冷笑话博主 | 后现代派同人女 | 红薯同名 | tb鱼老板的养鱼场 | 凹3:Floraomania

考据 | 什么人接连泡了舒伯特与李斯特?!

舒粉们应该会比较熟悉这位老哥,就是早年混迹于舒伯特朋友圈的Franz von Schober(1796-1882),他是一位奥地利诗人、编剧、石版画家、演员,曾在魏玛演出过。…………结果我竟然在李斯特的书信集中也发现了他的身影…………并且也so gay…………





Schober was in fact such a close friend of Schubert’s that together they were known as “Schobert” among their circle of friends, a mashup of their names à la Javanka or Brangelina.

上图是朔贝尔画的17岁的舒伯特。朔贝尔还为舒伯特的许多歌曲写了歌词,大家可以看这个songs list:



在1846年左右,朔贝尔搬到了魏玛(很有可能是因为提前得知了作曲家的计划,因为早在42年李斯特就接受过魏玛大公的任命),成为宫廷的管家和使馆议员,他还劝说李斯特创作舒伯特的歌剧《Alfonso und Estrella》(这是什么修罗场)。


Do you know that I have been pursued by one constant regret during my journey, the regret not to have induced you to accompany me? Your society has always been beneficial and strengthening to me: I do not know why, but I imagine that we should live smoothly together. Your qualities, your faults (if you have any), your character and temper, all please me and attach me to you. You know that I flatter myself I can understand and appreciate you.... Should you see any great difficulty in joining me somewhere next autumn—at Venice, for example—and in making a European tour with me? Answer me frankly on this matter. And once more, the question of money need not be considered. As long as we are together (and I should like you to have at least three free years before you) my purse will be yours, on the sole condition that you consent to undertake the management of our expenses,—and that you are thoroughly convinced beforehand of the gratitude I shall feel towards you.



Allow me to repeat once more the request, which I have already made to you, to come for some time with me (a year or two, and more if you can); for I feel deeply that, the more we are separated by time and space, the more my thoughts and my heart go out to you. I have rarely felt this so strongly, and my wish to feel you settled with me grows daily stronger.

Moreover the persuasion that I feel that we should pass a happy and serious life together, makes me again press you further.




It is with an unspeakable feeling of sadness and vexation that I write to you today, my dear good friend! Your letter had done me so much good; I was so happy at the thought of our meeting at the end of the autumn at latest; I wanted so to feel that I could rest on your arm, and that your heart, so full of kindness and brotherly help, was near me. . . .

今天我怀着无法形容的悲伤和烦恼写信给你,我亲爱的好朋友!你的来信给我带来了很大的好处;一想到我们最迟在秋末的时候见面,我就非常高兴; 我如此希望着,感觉到我可以靠在你的臂弯里,而且你那充满善意和兄弟般的帮助的心就在我身边……

*rest on your arm你在说什么啊啊啊啊

Good-bye, my dear excellent friend. Allow me to give you as true a love as I feel is a necessity of my heart! Ever yours, F.Liszt





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