
考据 | 关于瓦格纳与李斯特以及相关的大三角



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“Beloved, come and with me here in Zurich.” —Wagner to Liszt










“Liszt now ranked Wagner at the highest pinnacle, above Beethoven and Goethe, because of his ability to creat an artwork that combined poetry, music, and the stage.”

“If I had to write a book on Wagner, I would happily use as an epigraph this remark by Victor Hugo on Shakespeare: ‘I admire everything’‘I admire like a fool.’

Nine years later, Liszt remembered that moment with an emotion and an intensity that is typical of the first years of their correspondence:

“How could I fail to think of you always with love and fervent devotion, especially in this town, in this room, where we first drew nearer to each other, and your genius flashed its light on me?” 

瓦格纳在他心中的地位甚至有可能超过了贝多芬莫扎特歌德……他曾在信中声称自己的书桌上仅放了瓦格纳一人的半身像,其他那些人都没被允许进入这个房间——他称之为the heart of my house




Liszt’s visit to Wagner is in October 22 was not auspicious. The Princess was there and a distinguished company.

Although Liszt remained steadfast and did all in his power to further Wagner’s interest, it was the Princess who began to drive the wedge between the two.


The third meeting is in Dresden, in a hotel, where the two sealed a friendship that was meant tohave been eternal.


“Have you nothing at all to say to me? What is to become of me if everyone ignores me?” Liszt’sangry reply was one of the sharpest he ever sent to Wagner. He told him that he no longer saw anypoint in sending Wagner copies of the Dante Symphony or the Gran Mass (which he had earlierpromised to do).

(Wagner to Bulow)“I don’t know in what style to write to Liszt. I worry myself for weeks, intending towrite to him. All that I get from him is at most a reply, and about half the length of my letters. Hedoesn’t bother about me. I talk about him as an excellent friend, but he does not talk about me...”


Sink your pride for once and write to me as plainly and as comprehensively as I too frequently do to you, much to your annoyance.


需要提一下这封手稿是“Liszt's own copy of Wagner's letter to him in 1872”(手抄版!)





不仅仅是对瓦格纳,李斯特对所有的朋友都很天使(他不仅是希望自己成功,而是希望世界上所有一切美好的作品都能被大家看到。),而反过来……几乎没有人能做到这种程度,有一次他写道“Once Liszt helped Wagner, but who will help Liszt?”



比如瓦格纳曾写过一篇反犹小作文《音乐中的犹太主义》,不支持反犹的李子曾经写信询问他这篇文章是否出自他之手,瓦格纳给出的回复是(他知道对方一定是明知故问):不管你怎样看待这些——只是想象——我并不知道你的确切想法。我知道也真切地感受得到你是怎样的人,在这一点上你一定会有完全不同的看法。但是到此为止吧。世界上总会有一些事情会造成我们之间意见的分歧,如果你不喜欢我提到的任何观点,闭上眼不要去管它们就好了。(so its possible to be a Wagner-lover without being a Jew-hater.)

瓦格纳是真的很会讲话!!!他曾经亲口对李子说“For me, thou art(=古英语,就是you are的用法) the whole of Germany.”这谁受得住啊!!!?


瓦格纳在《Eine Mittheilung an meine Freunde》(与友人的通信)中写道:“我现在知道了最满足、最高贵、最为完全的爱,唯一真诚的爱,……这爱将我提升到了艺术的高度!……我知道了即使所有的人——即使最亲密的朋友——都离我远去,他也依然会在我身边帮助我、他的名字就是FRANZ LISZT。”

“By our very love for a great artist we as good as say that, in taking his creation to our heart, we adopt with it those individual peculiarities of view which made that creation possible to him.—Now, as I have nowhere more distinctly felt this love’s enriching and informing power than in my love for Liszt…”

“But above all greet my Franz for me, and tell him the old, old story, that I love him!”(写于给Marie的公开信中)

“ While I am compising and scoring I think only of YOU, how this and the other will please you, I am ALWAYS dealing with you.”


And when she[Cosima] " asked him[Wagner] childishly " whether he loved her, he replied: " Ishould like to know what else I do but love you.”

But he was in high spirits and said on one occasion, throwing his arms round Cosima: " Yes, a charming wife was what Beethoven never had. It was reserved for a poor old man like me that is why I have this irrational belief in myself." And one fine morning in the garden he picked her apansy and offered it to her with the words: " I was thinking about our love! I do not know what to call it, but I know that it is the most ardent of things, and will never allow us to leave each other.”

Then he came to her bedside in the evening and said: " I simply cannot say how I love you, it is still like a dream to me that I am wholly yours."


  • 瓦格纳李斯特通信集(又名:情书写法大全)



W: You, my only one, the dearest whom I have, you who are to me prince and world, everything together, have mercy on me.

L: Continue to love me, even as I am cordiallt devoted to you.

W: A thousand kisses from
Richard Wagner 1853

W: I now ask you, who at the bottom of his heart share my faith more than do you, who believe in me, who know and demonstrate love as no one else has proved and praoticed it yet?... Well, my higest hope will be fulfilled: I shall see you again.

W: How can I describe my feeling? When has an artist, a friend, ever done for another what you have done for me? Truly, when I should be inclined to despair of the whole world, on single glance at you raises me again high and higher, fills me with faith and hope; I can't conceive what I should have done without you have made of me; it has been indescribly beautiful for me to observe you during that space of time...

W: My brain is a wilderness and I thirst for a long, long sleep, to awake only when my arms are around you. and dearest of friends, have my eternal thanks for your divine friendship, and be assured of my steadfast and warmest love.

L: Be happy in the Grisons, you godlike man. When you work at the 'Nibelungen', let me be with you, and keep you have received me -- in truth and love.

W: However, in this matter also you must do as you like. Before all, take care that you continue to love me, and we see each other soon.

L: Send me soon what I ask you... I'm always and wholly yours.

L: You know that my whole soul is devoted to you, because I love you sincerely, and that I always try to serve you as well as I can...

W: Remember me to all at Altenburg; and if you can, continue to love me... if you can, love me with all your heart. Will you not?... Farewell for today. I send you many greetings from a longing heart.

L: The essential thing is that you love me, and consider my honest efforts as a musician worthy of your sympathy. This you have said me in a manner in which no one else could say it.

W: Take my hand and take my kiss. It is such a kiss as you gave me when you accompanied my home one evening last year.--You remember, after I told you my sad tale. Many things may lost their impression upon me. The wonderful sympathy whuch was in your nature, will follow me everywhere as my most beautiful remembrance.

W: Be mine today, wholly mine, and feel assured that by that means you will be all that you are and can be.

有位作者在一本名为《瓦格纳与自杀》的书中声称瓦格纳他想要跟一部分朋友(特指李子)以及那位魏森冬克夫人殉/情(dbq我想不到a joint suicide还能有什么更好的翻译)。后来他在《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》中确实写了这样的剧情。

为了与不懂法语的瓦格纳通信,一直用法语进行书写和思考的李斯特用德语跟他写了十几年的信。虽然德语才是他的母语,但是由于很小就搬去法国,母语基本上忘干净了。一开始他的德语讲得并不好:“Liszt tried to speak German to them, but they claimed they understood his English much better.”在波恩音乐节上他也试图用德语演讲,但由于说得很磕磕绊绊最终放弃了。就算在魏玛那几年,他与魏玛大公的通信也是用法语完成的,他很少在家中会使用德语。

While the title are in German, the contents are mainly in French, the language in which Liszt always perferred to communicate. Liszt, in fact, was never at home in the German language. It is true that he was brought up in a German-speaking part of western Hungary, by German-speaking parents, and that Germab was therefore his mother tongue.…Thereafter he lost his German; it was only in later life and with difficulty that he recovered its partial use. This is rather surprising when we recall that the mature Liszt spent thirteen years in Weimar.


To promote Wagner's cause where he could not speak up for himself, Liszt wrote two essays in the wake of the Weimar performance of Tannhäuser. (As was his wont, he wrote in French and gave his essay the misspelled title "Tannhaüser", which, he argued, made pronunciation easier in French.)

而这一边,瓦格纳的法语比李子的德语糟糕多了。他待在巴黎的时候就因为糟糕的法语而迷路,“With my bad French, I am simply lost.”因此1876年他就立了一条规矩,在我家“万福里德”只准讲德语,不过晚年时期他的法语已经说的相当不错了,偶尔还会教自己的孩子们说一两句(讽刺意味)。


  • 第一个三角

“We, Liszt, Berlioz and Wagner, are three equals, but we must take care not to say so to [Berlioz].”

——Wagner wrote to Liszt




但在1855年之后,柏辽兹明确表达出了对瓦格纳的反感,他曾嘲笑瓦格纳的音乐是“猫叫派音乐。柏辽兹拒绝将自己与瓦格纳联系到一起,甚至在回忆录的背面注明:“ was nothing bearing on either Liszt, or Wagner, or the music of the future. ”(与李斯特、瓦格纳或未来音乐没有任何关系。)(在这之前,他曾经将回忆录寄给李子,拜托对方译成德文并且在自己死后发表。)他在写给维特根斯坦的信中也常常跟对方一起吐槽瓦格纳有多么sb😂


相反地,瓦格纳倒是出乎意料地佩服柏辽兹,他在很多篇文章中都提到了对方,还曾将《特里斯坦》的乐谱寄给对方(毕竟花可谓浪漫主义革新派的万物起源)。然而并没有什么卵用,就在同一年,柏辽兹在巴黎发表了一篇针对瓦格纳及其追随者的讽刺文章。他在文章中发明了一个词叫做 ‘school of mayhem’ (l’école du charivari),指向瓦格纳的音乐。

To the dear and great author of Romeo and Juliet

By the grateful author of Tristan und Isolde

——Wagner, inscription on the score of Tristan presented to Berlioz in 1860



他对李斯特写道:I persist in my plan to stop walking towards the mountain; perhaps the mountain will finally start to move in my direction. (我并不想朝山走去,或许山会向我走来)。

而李斯特认为:I maintain and defend the right of the artist to impose on the masses what is beautiful and superior(我维护并捍卫艺术家向大众强加美和优越的东西的权利)。




Liszt came to spend a week in Paris, we dined together twice, and since we carefully avoided any musical conversation we spent a few delightful hours together.


These last few days we talked here a great deal about you with Wagner, and you can imagine with what affection; take my word for it, I believe he loves you as much as I do myself. (Berlioz to Liszt)

  • 第二个三角

维特根斯坦公主为了支持李子的创作而租下了整个阿尔滕堡,两人之间显然存在于某种协议,比起情人,更像是合作者的关系,又或者兼而有之,李斯特在一封信中提到“Princess Wittgenstein (my new discovery of a princess, as Mme Allart would say, with the difference that we have no intention of falling in love).”?


她对于瓦格纳的厌恶可以从这段话中体现出来:“Ah, sir! Don’t talk to me ofthese great betises?” In after days, when ever Wagner’s name was mentioned, her favourite expression was “these great stupid things.”

公主对于1872年两人和好也感到十分⽓愤,她在信中⽤过一个⽐喻是说您去找他就像耶稣去找加略人犹大。李子在写给公主的一封信中给出如下回复:“In all the circumstances, I couldnot refuse [Wagner], it was against my nature, which I do not separate from myconscience...”



瓦格纳曾在自己的回忆录《My Life》中记录了一个小插曲,关于李斯特的《但丁》交响曲:



公主跟李子的关系似乎也很难解释,不同的作者持有不同的看法……很多李子的早期传记作者,都认为他和公主的关系是based purely on friendship。。。柏辽兹把公主称作他的companion(同伴),而瓦格纳在自传里干脆说成了“his friend”。无论如何,两个人关系其实相当不错,当时巴黎有很多人嘲讽公主长得不好看,李子还写了一封信专门回应,说公主非常美,拥有非常美丽的心灵之类的,但在爱情层面…鬼知道…

公主带着一个女儿叫Marie,这位小公主却意外地跟两人关系很好,瓦格纳曾写过一封著名的公开信给这位小公主,题目为《论李斯特的交响诗》。瓦格纳在信中会用“the child”代指小公主。他们几人还有一次迷之旅行,李子回巴黎探亲不知道为什么带上了瓦格纳…然后小公主要去,公主不放心也加入了陪着女儿,于是场面就奇怪地变成了某人同时带着男友和女友以及一个别人家的小朋友回巴黎探亲…而这次是瓦格纳第一次见到未来的妻子。

据同时代人回忆,瓦格纳曾经表示他很遗憾过去从未与李子真正地生活在一起(live in real union),并且谴责公主的不良影响,还说公主是一个野人x。而且连他都怨念对方太过于浪了,总是到处跑,他向彪罗抱怨说他很⽣气,为什么,为什么他就不能成为我们中的一员呢? 


Richard Wagner had also expressed a desire to bring him to Munich and wrote to Billow that he was out of humour with Liszt because he would not stay there. " Why, why can he not be one of us? "


  • 第三个三角



至于柯西玛,据同时代人的描述,她非常地像她的父亲,⽐如彪罗说她在某些⽅面就像一⾯镜子,瓦格纳描述她为"Liszt's wonderful image, but of superior intellect."



One of the reasons why Wagner fell in love with his second wife, Cosima, was because she reminded him of her father, Franz.

One of the reasons he fell in love with Cosima was because she was the daughter of Liszt. Marrying Cosima was a way for Wagner to keep a part of Liszt with him always.




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